Cookie Recipe

A close-up photo of a delicious homemade cookie with powdered sugar, on a plate next to a glass of milk.

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Bake Up Bliss: A Guide to Making Deliciously Nutty Homemade Cookies

There’s something truly comforting about a warm, melt-in-your-mouth cookie dunked in a cup of tea. And when that cookie is homemade, filled with the goodness of nuts and spices, the enjoyment goes up a notch. This recipe for traditional Persian cookies, bursting with flavor and packed with nutrients, will leave you wanting more.

We are going to make delicious Chocolate Cake together at LANDIYUM.

A tempting close-up of a homemade cookie, showcasing its soft texture and sprinkled powdered sugar.

450 grams plain flour

25 grams caster sugar

¼ teaspoon vanilla essence

250 milliliters lukewarm milk

6 grams instant yeast

Sesame seeds for garnishing

As much saffron water as you like

1 egg

110 grams vegetable oil

For the Filling(cookies):

150 grams walnuts, chopped up.

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

½ teaspoon ground ginger.

250 grams dates, pitted and sliced.

Steps to Take:

A tempting close-up of a homemade cookie, showcasing its soft texture and sprinkled powdered sugar.

1.Activate the Yeast: In a bowl, combine the yeast, milk, and a pinch of sugar. Let it sit for 10 minutes, or until frothy and bubbly. This indicates the yeast is active.

2.Mix the Dough: Add the remaining sugar, oil, and vanilla to the activated yeast mixture. Stir well, then gradually incorporate the flour until a soft dough forms. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes until smooth and elastic. Cover the bowl and let it rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.Get one step closer to your delicious cookies

3.Prepare the Filling: While the dough rises, toast the chopped walnuts in a pan for a few minutes. In a separate bowl, mash the dates and combine them with the walnuts, cinnamon, and ginger. Set aside.

4.Shape and Fill: Punch down the risen dough and divide it into equal portions. Take one portion, flatten it into a disc, and place a spoonful of the filling in the center. Pinch the edges to enclose the filling and shape the dough into a ball. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling.

5.Decorate and Bake: Preheat your oven to 200°C (400°F). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Brush the tops of the shaped cookies with a mixture of egg yolk, saffron water, a touch of sugar, and a splash of milk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds for an extra touch. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.

6.Enjoy! Let the cookies cool slightly before indulging in their nutty, flavorful goodness. Pair them with a warm beverage for a truly delightful treat.


  • This recipe yields approximately 16 cookies, perfect for sharing or enjoying over a few days.
  • To ensure your Cookie rise properly, use fresh and active yeast. If your yeast mixture doesn’t froth after 10 minutes, discard it and start again with fresh yeast.
  • Feel free to get creative with the filling! Experiment with different nut combinations, spices, or even dried fruits.
  • For a richer flavor, brush the cookies with melted butter before sprinkling with sesame seeds.
  • These cookies store well in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.
A close-up photo of a delicious homemade cookie with powdered sugar, on a plate next to a glass of milk.

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